December 31, 2005

The end of the world

I thought I'd recount a conversation I had with my family over Christmas. We were sitting around the dinner table and talk turned to the big petrol depot explosion in Hertfordshire earlier this month. I was surprised when my parents said, "oh yes, we heard that." because they don't live particularly close - at least 25 miles away. It turns out that they were woken up on sunday morning by a big 'whump' accompanied by a flash and, not knowing what it was, crept downstairs and put the kettle on. My Dad told how some friends were woken from their sleep by the loft ladder crashing down - it seems this was a common occurrence, I guess due to the pressure wave from the explosion passing through the well-ventilated roof spaces.

And I think that's how the end of the world will be greeted in middle England; not with wailing or shrieking, but by couples lying in bed arguing over who was the last one to go into the loft.

1 comment:

Highland said...

too true too true. Commonplace indeed, The prof's family had the loft doors open and the side of the bath pop out too. Odd. And everyone thought it was strange but then after either watching TV or talking with other people throughout that day they discovered that it had happened all over North London.