February 08, 2006

Mr fix it (2)

Well. This was the week I broke my toilet roll holder (don't ask how), so I popped into IKEA to buy a new one. The old one was a funny wire thing with a smiley face, which had sentimental value as it was a flat warming present. So I chose a new wooden toilet roll holder and I drilled a hole into it and fixed in the smiley face which I had salvaged from the old one. Voila.

(I spent ages trying to get this photo just right, but gave up because life is too short to spend it taking photos of your toilet roll holder.)

One of my other purchases was some new dinner plates, which I paid for but left at the till in a fit of customer generosity. A nice girl called Angela saved them for me, and I get to pick them up on friday.

I got the new bowls back safe though. The thing about new bowls, which I'd forgotten, is that there is a period of adjustment as you get used to the new capacity and dimensions. I've been feeling short changed on my cereal the last few days and have been slowly working out that these bowls taper at the base more, so the bran flakes need to come further up the side for the same full-tum experience.

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