January 03, 2006

Happy New Yeah

Hello, hope you all had a great time at the bells. I was trapped in an isolation cubicle at work with a sick baby. Thankfully his parents were hilarious and great company. We could see the Edinburgh fireworks from the window - bonus!

My friends Kenny and Anna Robertson were up visiting from Cornwall the week before, and we went for a walk in some hills just outside Edinburgh called the Pentlands. The weather was bizarre; the streets were cold, wet and misty, but when you gained height you came out of the fog quickly and were able to look down on a blanket of cloud, with the other hills and even the tall buildings and bridges poking through bathed in sunlight. As is usual with these sort of expeditions, we got lost climbing down and ended up walking through someone's garden.

I promised Anna I'd pass her this link to a Guardian article by Charlie, the actor/cosmonaut from Space Cadets [I should really stop going on about it]. It's actually quite touching ...

"For me, Billy Jackson was the emotional heart of Space Cadets. The tallest, handsomest of the cadets, he began the show brash, bullish and insensitive. He ended it charming, kind, and thoughtful. A gentleman. A thinker. A poet ... Jackson has had his world turned upside down: not because he's been told a pack of lies, but because he has been shown truths."

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