January 12, 2006

Slam Dunk

The wheelchair basketball slam dunk pic is from the onion. Highly recommended.

I played (non-wheelchair) basketball myself yesterday for the first time in years. I stunned myself by getting my first two practice shots in, but the actual game (with all the rules and stuff) wasn't that easy. For instance ...

* What do you do if you are standing in open space and instead of passing to you your team-mate with the ball runs straight at you?
* What are the applicable sporting ethics if you find yourself defending against someone who is a foot shorter than you? Can you push them over?
* What are the applicable sporting ethics if you find yourself defending against someone who is a foot taller than you? Can you stand on their toes?
* How do you continue to look cool when you've just accidentally passed to someone on the opposite team? How can you make it look intentional?
* If play suddenly switches ends, just how much effort are you expected to make to get back and defend? Can you run as far as the centre spot and stand with your hands on your hips shouting encouragement?
* If your team-mate could have passed to you but didn't, then instead makes a risky shot and scores against the odds, do you still have to clap politely? Can you just shake your head instead?

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